- The Structure of Mount Pelee is known as a Stratovolcano or a Composite Cone.
- Characteristics of this type of volcano are viscous lava and exploded tephra (pyroclastic material ejected from a volcano)
build up in alternating layers, to form a steep-sided volcano.
- The type of pyroclastic flow that came from Mount Pelee is known as a nuee ardente (Davis, T. N. 1980).
- The nuee can reach speeds close to 100 miles an hour, making them extremely hard to escape. This was responsible for destroying
the city of St. Pierre, killing almost 30 000 people(Davis, T. N. 1980).
- Mount Pelee had volcanic spines of solid lava growing up from the center of the volcano. One grew to be around 1000
feet high before it collapsed in 1903 (Volcano World 2005).
- "Peleean style eruptions [named after Mount Pelee] are characterized by the formation of domes" (Hawaiian Volcano Observatory,
- In 1902 a lava dome was formed when Mount Pelee erupted, destroying St. Pierre.
- There were only two survivors of the 1902 eruption: "one because he was in a poorly ventilated, dungeon-like jail cell
and the other who somehow made his way safely through the burning city" (Cascades Volcano Observatory 2003).

Figure 7-What is left of St. Pierre after Mount Pelee erupted |